Friday, October 10, 2008

Stack and Tilt video

i really ike the follow through, looks very powerful and controlled
jochooi (1 year ago)
Stacked yes, but where's the tilt?
fogelbaby (1 year ago)
the tilt is in the downswing. the left shoulder comes up as the tight tilts under
ambush923 (1 year ago)
Its a better way to swing, none of that sliding on the back swing
pecky1234 (1 year ago)
great swing but the whole stack and tilt thing, i fink, doesn't work with a driver. you get so far forward and on top its very difficult to stay behind the ball and hit it properly
USA50cal (1 year ago)
It is not as bad as you think. It all depends on your swing speed and shaft selection. Stiff shaft and about 90-95 swing speed, and it is very efficient.
hogansking (9 months ago)
What you're saying here has no bearing whatsoever.
USA50cal (9 months ago)
Stay forward with the stack and tilt method and use an extremely fast swing speed with a regular flex shaft. Your swing gets so steep and so fast, the club is way behind your body. You will get bad pushes, and dead pulls when trying to overcompensate.
hogansking (9 months ago
There are 3 initial directions the ball can travel on when leaving the clubface (straight, right or left of target...basic ball flight laws).If you are ahead of it (as many amateurs are whether they stack & tilt or not)the ball can leave the clubface in any of the 3 previously mentioned directions depending on the nature of thecompensation....
hogansking (9 months ago)
Furthermore 90-95 mph is not an extremely fast clubhead speed and does not warrant a stiff shaft which will worsen the pushing effect to the right for the RH golfer. Subconciously of course this golfer will overcompensate for not being able to square the face and susequently pull the ball. Come on... this is pretty basic stuff.
USA50cal (9 months ago)
Of course the club is harder to square with a shaft that is too stiff for your particular swing. But a stiff shaft can be suitable for an individual that has a 90-95 swing speed. While everything you are saying is true, all I am saying is that a stiff shaft is fine for stack and tilt with a moderate swing speed.
hogansking (9 months ago)
What would usually be considered a standard stiff shaft is practically always too stiff for the golfer with this clubhead speed. Even for those whom have have an abrupt transition and load the shaft early in the downswing. If driver clubhead speed is closer to 100 or more, then yes a regular shaft can be too soft and lag behind for those whom load it early. Again S&T or not.
johnm41887 (6 months ago)
if what you are saying is true about 100mph clubhead speed being good for a stiff shaft, then that means a lot of the shorter hitting pga pros (zach johnson, steve stricker, etc.) are playing too stiff a shaft and should go down to a stiff shaft, because they only average between 100-108 mph clubhead speed and they all use x-stiff shafts. most shaft manufacturers have their stiff shafts suited for players with a swing speed of 90mph and up.
hogansking (6 months ago)
The average driving distance on tour is 280.9 Zach is 268 and 280 last year. Stricker is tour avg (this year). I didn't check his stats for last year. A couple of things: Avg. driving distance is not recorded on every hole (used to be 2 holes only & maybe still is) On occasion the player may not be using his driver on the hole being used to record the distance. This then throws off the stats. Typically every mph hour of clubhead speed with driver= 2.35 to 2.5 yards of carry...
hogansking (6 months ago)
Todays technology works in an exponential manner meaning the more clubhead speed the longer the ball flies in proportion to that speed. This being said you can't rely exactly on the stats to determine Zach's & Steve's clubhead speed. For sure Zach is somewhere around 108 & Steve is a little higher. They are not in the say 100-105 mph range. You can't forget that there is more than just clubhead speed that goes into the equation when determining shaft flex.
FamilyHealthTeam (1 year ago)
You are stacked over your right foot, and the tilt comes from the tilting of your body towards the target at the top of your swing.Google: Stack and Tilt golf.
faderjoe (11 months ago)
No- You stack over the left leg. No rightward movement. The Tilt is out and down over the left knee from a spine tilt with a slight turn of the right shoulder toward the target. google- Sam Snead.
faderjoe (11 months ago)
Stack and Tilt is Snead, Hogan, Nicklaus. Pure and Simple. It is not the current pga instruction of today- the move to the right leg and move back to the left. That is Ballard, McLean and Ledbetter and everyone else that fails to see how the spine works in a golf swing. This stroke works for everyone.
hogansking (10 months ago)
You put up any swing of Hogan, Nicklaus or Snead and I'll show you how to look at it & help you realize there is absolutely no tilt towards the target during the backswing...and if you believe the spine should tilt towards the target during this phase of the swing then you truly have no idea "how the spine works in a golf stroke". That you can take to the bank!
wethepeople14 (11 months ago)
i think stack and tilt is a suitable way to swing but it is tough on the body. The lower body is driving hard to produce the power and at the same time the upper body is moving slightly back(tilt) to level the bottom of the swing arc out. The player has to stay in good condition or back problems could occur. Correct me if i'm wrong but all the guys on tour that use stack and tilt are in really good condition.
hogansking (9 months ago)
You're right. The upper body in moving back too much to level out the bottom of the swing can cause lower back issues (L4, L5) with overuse. As the spine rotates towards target with speed the spine should not be extending this way. Although Fred Couples never stayed on his left side he did tilt and then tilted back. Disc sheer was the result, maybe also because of a degenerative problem but his swing didn't help...
hogansking (9 months ago)
Keep in mind that Badds, Weir... don't tilt towards the target as described in the Golf Digest. Check out my Weir viedeo.
KngZ28 (11 months ago)
This is very similar to what I have developed for myself to stop the "sway" and "sliding hips" I used to have. Now I'm trying to figure out how to move with power and still hit high long irons. That's the hardest part of this style, getting air with low lofted clubs, and maintain distance without a reverse pivot.
pecky1234 (11 months ago)
stack and tilt doesnt work. they have removed the problem of sliding and swaying, and created a new one of incorrect spine angle. ur tailbone has to be closer to the target than ur head at impact. fact. evry gr8 player is like that. everyone. so to move from tilting toward the target at the top, to away from it at impact is more of a problem than swaying
333pg333 (10 months
Erghh!! It's ugly and bad for your back no matter what they say. If you want to see someone with great body angles look at Rod Pampling. At the top coming down into the ball there is a resemblance to another golfer who was renown for his ball-striking...Hogan.
adsfigo (10 months ago)
Stack and tilt is a bad way to phrase the swing, the golf swing is a motion and at no time does the player 'stop' to stack or tilt in the swing. Its a very effective method to build a tight and compact swing, but any good player can see that its just resisting the turn on the backswing and keeping the head fixed over the ball. I personally feel the results are more consistent shots and i highlight the word consistent, not necessarily 'better' shots.
adsfigo (10 months ago)
Although looking at this again this player doesn't seem to resist the turn, a better example is aaron baddeley.
golfmac1 (10 months ago)
best golfer alive
JosefromParaguay (9 months ag
I had one of the Starters talk to me about Stack and Tilt the other day on the range. He said it gave him confidence and was able to hit shots better. Look it doesn't matter the style you swing the club, though path and plane are extremely important. Golf is about putting the ball in the hole. That is it. People forget that though sometimes.
eliyates2 (9 months ago)
you can have the ugliest swing in the world but as long as you maintain good lag and have good contact with the clubface and ball at impact then you will be a fine golfer... besides its the shortgame that matters most.
Derbygirltown (9 months a
I can see there are definite similarities with Hogan~that is the bottom line. What a great swing! the dream swing! We would all like to have stack and tilt problems of the so called bad back! ha. Must be a comment from a pro that teaches a different method?
hogansking (9 months ago)
Many professional golfers have bad backs...why do you think that is?
robbenandronaldo (7 months ago
The position at the top of his backswing looks well-loaded. What a lovely swing!Stack and Tilt FTW!
j3j33 (6 months ag
I tried the stack and tilt this afternoon on the range. The first suggestion they make is more weight on the front foot. This is very similar to the age old lesson about chipping...and value of the chipping stance seems to be of the same value in the full shot. Don't know why someone didn't think of this a long time ago.
andypatnou (5 months ag
Does he have a 10 finger grip?
juicysteak (3 months ago)
It works for me and wasn't bad on the back after 100 balls at the range and 9 holes. I've never hit the irons so straight or consistent. I've always hit the irons high and long (when solid contact is made) and that didn't change with S&T. Hitting the driver was more of a challenge. To make it work I found myself choking up a tad and taking my backswing on a higher plane. I had no problem with distance. This is a great swing for me!
WilsonStaffCPGA (3 months ago)
the stack and tilt swing is the professional way to recover from a reverse pivot it is not the best way to swing, it is not consistant enough to be used by the big pro's. Tiger woods, Phil, Padraig etc... If this was the best way to swing it then these big names would be doing it to. a reverse pivot is the worst thing you can do to hit the ball!! By the was 90 95 mph warrants a regualr flex, I am 120 and 130 when i rip at it i use x flex with mid kick point and 2.7 torque!!
WilsonStaffCPGA (3 months ago
being stacked on top of the ball is what you are supposed to do but you should be stacked and balanced!!
worldchamp2007 (3 months ago)
What is right or wrong for the top professionals has little bearing on my game. I am at my own (very low) skill level and also have my own physiology (strengths/weaknesses, joint angles, etc.)The S&T is not for everyone, for sure. I also agree with your comment about 'stacked and balanced'. I found that keeping myself balanced over the ball for the entire swing produced more consistent results. I was out in 110 degree weather yesterday and was sticking the irons. 190 yards, 6I - boom!
uvrs66 (1 month ag
Wow! Are you by any chance into yourself a little bit? Hmmm?
WilsonStaffCPGA (1 month ago)
if you are talking to me I teach golf for a living and work with some of the biggest teachers in Canada. Stack and Tilt is not the best way to go about it. Driver is to hard to control!!
quasar1983 (1 month ago
I just tried hit today for a few balls, and experienced unprecedent success with my driver. I have to admit my irons were a little low..but I will work on that. It seems to be an interesting way to swing. I'm an 8 handicap.

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